Circuit installation

Understanding the Cost of Running an Electric Fireplace: Heat vs. Ambiance

Electric fireplaces have become a popular addition to many homes, offering a cozy and convenient way to enjoy the charm of a fire without the hassle of logs or gas lines. But how much does it cost to run an electric fireplace?...

Heather Hindman

3 mins read

Circuit installation

Biggest Landscape Lighting Mistakes - Bryan Hindman Electric

Landscape lighting can transform your outdoor space into a magical nighttime oasis or a glaring misstep that leaves your guests shielding their eyes. While the allure of illuminating your home’s exterior is undeniable, diving...

Circuit installation

Lighting Tips for Open Floor Plans - Bryan Hindman Electric

In recent years, the evolution of home design has seen a significant shift towards open concept living. These spaces, free of interior walls and abundant in natural light, offer a blank canvas for families to design their dream...